Compatibility check

#45db3a4547b1ecc24050945a9ec51716fa6502f28a56f7611ca74b36ad60925c34c396199b4f4857cd2f21fd306ebf323ab9b910f52bdf570eb158938dbe0924 K-to-12

SPCM OFFERS wide-range of programs that is responsive to the K-to-12 Curriculum and the 21st Century Learning.  The curriculum promotes Research-based Instruction (RBI) and Outcome-based Assessment (OBA) as teaching pedagogies outlined through the Understanding by Design Framework (UbD).

It seeks to provide caring, meaningful and engaging learning environment that intertwines Academic Excellence, Advancements in Research, Active Community Learning Engagement and Authentic Catholic Faith Formation.

SPCM Curriculum is in the forefront of offering innovative and dynamic Enhancement and Specialized programs that fosters intellectually bright and morally upright Paulinians with character and competence, and compassion for the least, the lost and the last.