The Paulinian shares in the unique history and traditions of the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres, marked by a Christocentric-Paschal Spirituality, commitment to mission, and service to community through one's charism, urged on by the Charity of Christ.
With St. Paul, the Paulinian says: "Christ is my life (Phil 1:21); It is no longer I who lives but Christ who lives in me (Gal 2:20)."
Specific Values: Deep personal relationship with God, love of Christ, sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, reverence, awe, inner peace
Behavioral Indicators: Practice of personal prayer, discerning, active liturgical and sacramental life in the school and in the parish, observance of Catholic practices, such as regular attendance at Mass, Confession, devotion to the Holy Rosary, among others.
Like St. Paul, the Paulinian, by his baptism, is commissioned to share the Good News of Christ. The mission gives the Paulinian a sense of responsibility and a fidelity to duty even in small humble tasks.
Specific Values: Peace, leadership, courage, tranquil daring, creativity, entrepreneurship, sense of responsibility, accountability.
Behavioral Indicators: Deep sense of responsibility, involvement in social issues, sense of direction and purpose, environment-friendly actions, volunteerism in community services, practice of the corporal works of mercy, energy conservation, industry, frugality, discipline, sacrifice, forgivingness, peacefulness, intelligent collaboration and cooperation, adaptability and flexibility, among others.
For St. Paul, the Church, the community of all who have been justified in Christ, is the one nation belonging to Christ (Rom 1:16), the one body with Christ as Head (Eph 4:2-5, 15). The Paulinian contributes to the building of the Body of Christ, through the charism he/she has received, preserving the unity of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 12). The Paulinian is thus, a "community person" respecting tradition and the magisterium of the Church.
Specific Values: Respect for cultural differences and diversity, sense of belonging, national identity, patriotism, pride in his/her Paulinian heritage, mutuality, freedom from discrimination, being all to all, cooperation, solidarity, collegiality, dialogue, communication, interdependence, connectedness locally and globally.
Behavioral Indicators: Respectful attitude toward all persons, sensitivity to others' needs, sharing of resources, caring for the earth, civic action and community service, active involvement in the advocacy to protect children, women, the family, human life, and rights, promoter of justice, peace, unity, and love, among others.
There is a variety of gifts, but always the same spirit (1 Cor 12:4). The Paulinian imitates St. Paul in his recognition of and respect for the gifts given to each person. He/She realizes that each gift is for a different purpose, but all for the building of the community (1 Cor 12:4). The Paulinian accepts the uniqueness of his/her own talents, developing them to the full so that they can better serve their purposes. Yet always, he/she seeks the higher gifts (1 Cor 13:13).
CHARISM calls for INTEGRAL FORMATION, developing one's talents and personality to the full, in a holistic manner stamped with its Christian character.
Specific Values: Valuing and pursuing lifelong learning, highly-motivated, gives best in everything he/she does, generous of one's talents, time, and treasures, critical thinking, research, thirst for knowledge
Behavioral Indicators: Love for study, reading, class participation, attendance in seminars, curiosity, proper study habits, wise use of the Internet and electronic media, membership in clubs and organizations, participation in programs that support learning, among others.
For a Paulinian, following Christ means loving everyone the way Christ loves (Eph 5:1-5). Christ's love is the motivating force, the power that drives the Paulinian's life as embodied in the Paulinian motto, CARITAS CHRISTI URGET NOS!
CHARITY calls for going out of oneself for the good of the other; it is total, pervasive, found at the beginning, at the end, and in all moments of the various processes, services, and relationships within the campus.
Specific Values: Openness, acceptance, hospitality, gentleness, kindness, loyalty, compassionate caring, tact, fidelity, kind language, concern for the deprived, forgiveness.
Behavioral Indicators: Friendliness, warmth, joy, lightness of spirit, being all to all, generously contributing to charitable and worthy projects, almsgiving, among others.