The school seal is symbolic of what St. Paul College of Makati as an educational institution stands for. The various colors and symbols in the school seal were adopted from the coat of arms of Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres (SPC). The symbols include the following: sword, book, lamp, palm branch, and wavy line. The colors include green and gold as background; and red, white, and blue as the central focal point with the symbols contained therein.
Sword: The sword symbolizes the power of the Gospel of Christ that St. Paul proclaimed. The Word of God is likened to a sword that cuts both ways. It calls us to conversion from our old life to commitment to the values of Jesus. For the Paulinian, the sword stands for courage, fortitude, and discipline to face the challenges of accepting oneself and growing into the person in the likeness of Jesus.
Book: The book stands for knowledge and wisdom which the Paulinian seeks to acquire. It includes all the skills, values, attitudes, and competencies necessary to live a meaningful and productive Christian life.
Lamp: The lamp stands for light, witness, and service. It is symbolic of a LIFE that is service-oriented, a life that witnesses to Christ and the values of the Gospel, a life that dispels darkness and gives hope to the needy, the despairing, and the disadvantaged, after the example of Fr. Louis Chauvet.
Palm Branch: The palm branch, in ancient times, signified victory for the athlete and martyrdom for the Christians. The palm challenges the Paulinian to be self-sacrificing, to accept and endure the pains that is our share in the suffering of Christ so that we can share in His victory.
Wavy line: The wavy line signifies the waters of the sea of which St. Paul and all our early Sisters had dared to cross to bring the Good News. It symbolizes the Paulinian's readiness to take on any task and the tranquil daring to face what is difficult and unknown. Paulinians are missionaries.
Red, White and Blue: The tricolor background represents the Philippine Flag and the Flag of France. This represents the Paulinian's fidelity to its Filipino roots and French heritage. It signifies patriotism and love of country, and pride in its cultural legacy. Red is for courage, self-sacrifice, and tranquil daring to face challenges; white is for purity, simplicity, and single-mindedness to pursue what is noble and holy; blue is for justice, peace, and for the Paulinian's devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The official colors of Paulinian schools are green and gold. Green is for the HOPE of being freed from slavery…to enjoy the freedom and glory of the children of God (Rom 8:21-22). It refers to the Paulinian's JOYFUL OPENNESS to LIFE and all that life brings remembering always what Jesus said, "I am with you always". Gold is for the GLORY that God has promised to His children and heirs, and we are children, we are heirs as well; heirs of God and co-heirs with sharing His sufferings so to share His glory (Rom. 8:17). Gold stands for PURITY and INTEGRITY. For the Paulinian, it means striving for what is excellent, good, and perfect in a joyful spirit.
The school motto is "CARITAS CHRISTI URGET NOS" or THE CHARITY OF CHRIST URGES US (2 Cor 5:14). After the example of St. Paul, spurred on by the love of Christ, countless Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres, full of zeal and fervor, continue to cross vast waters to establish educational, pastoral, and health service institutions all over the world, striving to make the love of Christ known by all people they come in contact with. The Paulinian, likewise, aspires to be all to all with special preference for the disadvantaged, offering his/her every action for the salvation of souls in the footsteps of St. Paul.