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#45db3a4547b1ecc24050945a9ec51716fa6502f28a56f7611ca74b36ad60925c34c396199b4f4857cd2f21fd306ebf323ab9b910f52bdf570eb158938dbe0924 Research Capability Building – Series 2
“Revitalizing Innovative Research in SPCM:
A Tool for Sustaining a Climate of Excellence”
Framework Formulation and Methodology Articulation

The conference began with Dr. Dimaano’s run through of the participants’ schema of research to set a direction to this day’s activity. Dr. Dimaano explained that once the researcher gathered the relevant literature, he/she formulates the theoretical/conceptual framework of the study. This serves as the skeleton/backbone of the research in which the researcher situates the research problem. A framework can either be conceptual or theoretical. A framework is considered theoretical if the researcher wants to test a particular theory (theory-based) while a conceptual framework is anchored on a particular concept or the researcher formulates his/her own concept. Dr. Dimaano cited that both frameworks can be combined in such a way that the research is based on a theory but the researcher modifies the idea to create a new concept.


Dr. Dimaano specified that in presenting the framework, a schematic diagram or paradigm can be used to show the flow of the research in terms of the variables or process. In a quantitative research, a schematic diagram is used that shows the relationship of IV, DV, and OV. On the other hand, a qualitative research uses a paradigm to show the flow or the process of the study.